Teaching Learning and Evaluation 2.1 Student Enrolment and Profile 2.1.1 Average Enrolment Percentage (Average of last five years)2.1.2 Seats Filled Against Reserved Categories 2.2 Student Diversity 2.2.1 Programmes For Advanced and Slow Learners2.2.2 Student Teacher Ratio 2.3 Teaching Learning Process 2.3.1 Student Centric Methods2.3.2 ICT Enabled Teaching2.3.3 Student – Mentor Ratio2.3.4 Student-to-Student Mentor system 2.4 Teacher Profile and Quality 2.4.2 :2.4.3:2.4.4: 2.5 Evaluation Process and Reforms 2.5.1 Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust2.5.2 Examination and evaluation related grievances redressal 2.6 Student Performance and Learning Outcomes 2.6.1 Teachers and students are aware of the stated Programme and course outcomes of the Programmes offered by the institution2.6.2 Evaluation of attainment of Programme and Course outcomes in the College